Music Ministry
In 2024 the staff continued to work with supply priests, deacons and lay personnel to conduct our Sunday morning worship experiences. Some Sundays have been Holy Eucharist while others have been Morning Prayer. There was a great deal of variety but it also required a great deal of flexibility.
I am still attending Kellogg Community College and singing with the Kellogg Singers. The goal is to attain a Certificate in Sacred Music. I work closely with the music program at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Battle Creek. I enjoy singing at Choral Evensong and the music program there serves as a model for meto work toward at Trinity.
Steve Warner of Detroit continues to rebuild our Moller organ. It is a long process and the project is likely to continue for quite some time. We have an anonymous donor who is funding this project.
I look forward to the day when we will again have a priest. At the same time I enjoy working with everyone who conducts our services.
-Respectfully submitted by L. Randall Turpin (B. Mus, B. S. Ed, M. Mus)