Bulletin Bits

Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Happening this week


July 7th

(The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost)

9:30 am—Sunday Service (Hybrid)

1:30 pm—Marshall Miracles (Chapel)


July 8th

6:30 am—Morning Prayer (Chapel)

11:00 am—Funeral Service

12:00 pm—Marshall Miracles (Chapel)


July 9th

6:30 am—Morning Prayer (Chapel)

10:00 am—Bible Study (Chapel)

12:00 pm—Marshall Miracles (Chapel)

 6:30 pm—Board of Missions (Chapel)


July 10th

6:30 am—Morning Prayer (Chapel)

12:00 pm—Marshall Miracles (Chapel)

 1:00 pm—Senior Fitness (Hall)


July 11th

6:30 am—Morning Prayer (Chapel)

12:00 pm—Marshall Miracles (Chapel)

 5:00 pm—B&G Meeting  (Chapel)


July 12th

6:30 am—Morning Prayer (Chapel)

12:00 pm—Marshall Miracles (Chapel)


July 13th

9:00 am—Marshall Miracles (Chapel)


July 14th

(The Eighth Sunday after Pentecost)

9:30 am—Sunday Service (Hybrid)

 1:30 pm—Marshall Miracles (Chapel)

Online – Facebook and YouTube

Hybrid – Facebook, YouTube, and in person

For your advance reading and meditation, the lessons for next Sunday, July 14th, 2024, are:

Amos 7:7-15

Psalm 85:8-13

Ephesians 1:3-14

Mark 6:14-29

July 7th

Holy Eucharist Rite II

Healing Prayer Service

9:30 am 

Celebrant Rev. David Ottsen

Reader Anne Bohl and Mike Love

Organist Randy Turpin

Broadcast Julie Kaminski

Usher Scott and Keri Koch

Counters Keri Koch and Beth Howard

Coffee Hour Mike and Karla Love

July 14th

Holy Eucharist Rite II

Baptism of Elliott

9:30 am 

Celebrant Rev. David Ottsen

Reader Becky Somsel and Patty West

Organist Randy Turpin

Broadcast Anne Bohl

Usher Karla Love

Counters Becky Somsel and Paul Rauth

Coffee Hour Neil and Becky Somsel

Celebrations This Week


Leslie Parshall—-----------July 7

Janet Christner—----------July 8

Nancy Weatherwax—------July 9

Reilley Banning—-----------July 12

Jacob Riser—----------------July 12


Charles & Denise Connelly—----------July 10

Frank and Mary Ann Selee—---------July 11


Wendy Pearson to the Diaconate—-----July 11


Battle Creek Pride Festival

Trinity is partnering with

Resurrection and St

Thomas in Battle Creek

and St.James in Albion to

have materials about our parishes and the

Episcopal faith at the Battle Creek Pride

Festival on Saturday, July 20. If you are

interested in helping at the tables, please

contact Karla Love, Senior Warden or Deacon

Wendy Pearson to sign up. 

Save the Date

Summer Family Nights at Trinity

July 17, August 14

5:30 to 7:30 -Parish Hall

Evenings include dinner, bible study, and/or games. 

A nursery attendant will be available. All are welcome!

Trinity Summer Office Hours - Closed on Fridays

Starting on June 14 through August 23 the Trinity Office will be closed on Fridays. The summer hours will be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9 am to 1 pm. The wardens can help with an emergency on Fridays.

Bible study and prayer group - NOW ON TUESDAYS!

The Trinity Bible Study and Prayer Group now meets on Tuesdays led by Fr. David Ottsen at 10:00 am in the chapel. July 9th, 16th, and 30th. Dates in August will be Aug 6th, 13th, and 20th. All are welcome. The series focuses on the book "The Greatest Invitation." The books will be provided. All are welcome - come and see. 

Cards would be appreciated

Eleanore Keene-Kennedy

Calhoun Co. Medical Facility

1150 E. Michigan Ave

Maple Grove #717

Battle Creek, MI 49014

Chain of Gratitude

Thank you, Trinity Board of Missions, for the wonderful fifth Friday dinners you provide at the Share Center in Battle Creek.

Thank you to the Family Night set-up team of Sarah Loomis, Deb Egnatuk, Patty West, and Karla Love; These nights can only grow and flourish for families and individuals. 

Thank you to our service volunteer schedulers: Anne Bohl for scheduling the D.A.V.E. staff, Wendy Myers for scheduling the ushers, readers, counters, and servers, Becky Wright for scheduling the coffee hour hosts, Deacon Wendy for scheduling the morning prayer

leaders, and Cherie Riser for scheduling our supply priests.

Thank you, Andrea Tucker, for efficiently serving as Trinity’s treasurer.

Thank you everyone for praying continually for guidance, discernment and wisdom as we partner with St. James to call a priest to lead us into the future. Please pray for Episcopal vocations to the Diaconate and the Priesthood. 

Thank you Jim Murphy, for opening the church each Sunday and having coffee brewed for our


Thank you Fr. David for leading our Book Study group on “The Greatest Invitation.”

Gifts will be carried forward during the offertory

Just like in days past or prior to COVID, the ushers will bring the bread and wine forward to the altar and receive the brass collection plates on Holy Eucharist Sundays. The ushers will then carry the plates down the aisles to collect pledges and open plate money. We will still set the collection plates at the altar rail during morning prayer services. This is beautiful to return to our traditional worship practices.

No Community dinner in JULY

The next community dinner will be Tuesday August 13th, 4:30 to 6:00 pm at Trinity. Bring a friend or two. 

Your help that evening is always appreciated. Please sign up in the Parish Hall to help serve, or bring a salad or dessert to share for the dinner."

Updating the Trinity Prayer List

If you wish to have loved ones or friends added to the daily and Sunday Morning prayer list, send the names and your name to office@trinityofmarshall.org or drop the names and your name in the basket outside the office. Believe in the POWER of PRAYER.

Pastoral Care Committee

The pastoral care committee is running and active! We are here for you!  Please reach out to Mike Renaud (269-830-2403 or pastoralcare@trinityofmarshall.org) for your pastoral care concerns . The pastoral care committee is here to provide support to you for your emotional life, spiritual life, or prayer for your physical needs. Please share with us if you also know of concerns for others.

Emergency Exits

Per our insurance carrier we need to announce our emergency exits in the church, so please note:

-two in the back exiting to the outside

-one in the front left of the altar exiting to the garden door

-one left of the baptismal font exiting to the garden door.



Mike and Karla Love


Neil and Becky Somsel


Sarah and Carl Loomis


Anne Bohl