Bulletin Bits

Happening this week   


October 13th

(The twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost)

9:30 am---Sunday Service (Hybrid) 

1:30 pm---Marshall Miracles (Chapel)


October 14th

6:30 am---Morning Prayer (Chapel)

12:00 pm---Marshall Miracles (Chapel)

 6:00 pm---Finance Meeting ( Chapel)


October 15th

6:30 am---Morning Prayer (Chapel)

 12:00 pm---Marshall Miracles (Chapel)



October 16th

6:30 am---Morning Prayer (Chapel)

12:00 pm---Marshall Miracles (Chapel)

 1:00 pm---Senior Fitness (Hall)

 1:30 pm---Food Pop-up (Hall)


October 17th

6:30 am---Morning Prayer (Chapel)

12:00 pm---Marshall Miracles (Chapel)

6:00 pm---Thai Chi (Hall)


October 18th

6:30 am---Morning Prayer (Chapel)

12:00 pm---Marshall Miracles (Chapel)


October 19th

9:00 am---Marshall Miracles (Chapel)


October 20th

(The twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost)

9:30 am---Sunday Service (Hybrid)

9:30 am---Sunday School (Lower Level)

 1:30 pm---Marshall Miracles (Chapel)

Online – Facebook and YouTube

Hybrid – Facebook, YouTube, and in person                                                                                                              

For your advance reading and meditation, the lessons for next Sunday, October 20th, 2024, are:

Isaiah 53:4-12

Psalm 91:9-16

Hebrews 5:1-10

Mark 10:35-45

October 13th

Morning Prayer Rite II

9:30 am

Officiant  Deacon Wendy

First Lesson Karl Loomis

                             Reader  Tom Goodsell                             

 Organist Randy Turpin

Broadcast Anne Bohl

Usher Scott and Keri Koch

Counters Keri Koch and Beth Howard

Coffee Hour Wendy Myers

October 20th

Holy Eucharist Rite II 

9:30 am

Celebrant  Rev David Ottsen

First Lesson Deborah Ottsen

                             Reader  Mike Love and Nancy Weatherwax                            

 Organist Randy Turpin

Broadcast Zack Shippell

Usher Wendy Myers

Counters Tom Goodsell and Paul Rauth

Coffee Hour Tom and Jill Goodsell

Celebrations This Week


Alec Isham—-----October 13

Ainsley Bartolacci—-------October 13

David Wright—------October 14

Thomas Tucker—--------October 15

Shawn LeTarte—--------October 18


Thomas Tucker—------October 15

Elizabeth O’Dell—------October 18


Roger & Cynita Moore—-----October 16

Todd & Julie Kaminski—-------October 17

Robert & Lynda Dunn—-------October 18

St James’ Episcopal-Albion

Baked Potato Bar

Friday, October 25

4:30-6:30 pm

$12. Includes dessert and beverage

A variety of toppings to create your spud for a delicious dinner.

Preparing for Primary Convention

The First Primary Convention of the new Diocese will take place on October 18 and 19 in Mount Pleasant, MI. Our Trinity delegates are Rev. Deacon Wendy, Julie Kaminski, and Tasha Shippell. Please keep our delegates in your prayers as they will represent us in previewing and discussing the new Constitution and Canons, the proposed 2025 Diocesan Budget, and learning more about the process of officially becoming the Episcopal Diocese of the Great Lakes.

Local Fresh Food Pop-UP

Sprout BC has a grant to provide fresh food to anyone in Calhoun County. The next Pop-UP is Wednesday, October 16th in the Trinity Parish Hall from 1:30 to 2:30 pm. Everyone is welcome to participate.

Pledge Progress Reports

The 3rd Quarter 2024 Pledge Progress Reports have been emailed or mailed via the USPS.  If you did not receive your statement and would like a statement please contact Diane Vezmar via email trinityepis.bookkeeper@gmail.com or at the office on Tues and Thurs. between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Visitor’s Sunday

Visitor’s Day, Sunday, October 27 is soon upon us and it is about YOU! This day is as much about your spiritual walk with God as it is your invitation to another to worship at Trinity.  Take the time to hear the whisper of the Lord and invite a friend, family member, neighbor, co-worker, stranger on the street to worship with us at Trinity.  There will be green slips of paper available to write down the name of your invitee and we will pray over them throughout the month.

Fall Family Nights

Save the date of Wednesday, Oct 23, 5:30 to 7:30 pm for Fall Family Game Night and Bible Study. We serve dinner and have the nursery open. All are welcome - bring your friends. Next month’s Family Night is Nov 13.


 Book Study & Prayer Group 

The Trinity Bible Study and Prayer Group meets on  some Tuesdays led by Fr. David Ottsen at 10:00 am in the chapel. Dates in October include the 22th and the 29th. All are welcome - come and see.  

We are studying the Psalms. 

Mrs. Claus’ Purse canceled

The Board of Missions has canceled the November 9th Craft Show due to lack of vendor entries.

Trick or Treat with Trinity

On Thursday, Oct 31 Trinity will pass out Halloween treats from 5:30 to 8:00 pm at the Division Street doors. We will have the bathrooms open for families to use for costume mal-functions and other needs. Please bring in your wrapped candy or pretzels, etc. to place in the boxes in the office. We will have a sign-up sheet in the parish hall for volunteers.

All Saints Day Remembrance

In your bulletin are slips to write the names of those who in your Christian family and friends circle passed away this year. On Sunday, November 3 we will pray for them during the Feast of All Saints (transferred). Put your slip in the collection plate or give it to the office staff.  

Farewell to our Admin Assistant

Thank you! I really enjoyed working with you all. I am putting in my 2 weeks notice. My last work day will be October 11th. I honestly loved everything about this job but needed a little more time to adjust to my new baby.  So I decided I will take this time to focus on my new baby and family. In the future if you are still in need I may consider but as of now I want to put my full attention onto my family. Thank you for understanding,

Paula Malott 

Updating the Trinity Prayer List

If you wish to have loved ones or friends added to the daily and Sunday Morning prayer list, send the names and your name to office@trinityofmarshall.org or drop the names and your name in the basket outside the office. 

Pastoral Care Committee

The pastoral care committee is active! We are here for you!  Please reach out to Mike Renaud (269-830-2403 or pastoralcare@trinityofmarshall.org) for your pastoral care concerns . The pastoral care committee is here to provide support to you for your emotional life, spiritual life, or prayer for your physical needs. Please share with us if you also know of concerns for others.

Emergency Exits

Per our insurance carrier we need to announce our emergency exits in the church, so please note:

 -two in the back exiting to the outside

-one in the front left of the altar exiting to the garden door

-one left of the baptismal font exiting to the garden door.



Wendy Myers


Tom and Jill Goodsell

