Christian Education

Sunday School 

Trinity Sunday School and Nursery group has transitioned well in 2024!  We said thank-you to our loved teachers Sue Lackey and Karla Love and welcomed the team of Debbie Egnatuk and Patty West to lead this ministry.  We have been fortunate to have Kessy Cook as our Nursery attendant.  Our blended group of ages is a wonderful ministry in service to others, teaching, learning, and praying together at the earliest age!

The group once again set up the Trinity Marketplace with their hope to donate to Inasmuch House in Battle Creek, toward their needs for playground equipment. Thanks to your generosity we have sent them $366.00.

Thank you to Trinity families for your participation, we are so grateful to be part of your family life integrating prayer, tradition, and scripture into the routines of busy families!

-Respectfully submitted by Patty West

Trinity Bible Study 

Trinity Bible Study and Prayer Group includes a dozen members who have been meeting for nearly two years.  The group meets Tuesdays or Thursdays at 10:00 am in the chapel.     

We are doing a Book Study on the "The Greatest Invitation."  All are welcome.  

Come and see!

-Respectfully submitted by Sarah Loomis